Newborn Care

Expert Guidance for Newborn Care

New born babyCaring for your newborn baby is undoubtedly an overwhelming task. But, when you have a caring pediatrician on your side, they take out all the guesswork. After you become established with Alexandria’s top pediatricians at Pediatrics of Mansoor Pediatrics, the team of trusted providers makes sure you learn everything you need to know about newborn care. Call the office of Pediatrics of Mansoor Pediatrics or use the convenient online booking tool to schedule your baby’s first visit.

When does my newborn baby need to go to the doctor?

Your dedicated pediatrician at Pediatrics of Mansoor Pediatrics wants to see your newborn regularly to ensure he or she is happy and healthy. Typically, you bring in your newborn for their first visit three to five days after discharge from the hospital and again at age two weeks. If our doctors did not see your baby in the hospital, please bring your baby’s discharge papers with you to the first visit.

After that, plan on bringing them in at one month, two months, four months, six months, nine months, and twelve months. Of course, if you have any health concerns between visits, you can certainly come in for additional appointments.

What happens during a newborn doctor appointment?

We have a separate waiting room for our newborns. During the visit, your newborn care visit often starts with discussing any concerns or questions you may have. Because your baby needs to be weighed and measured while undressed, plan on dressing them in comfortable clothing that’s easy to get on and off.

Your pediatrician checks your baby’s:

  • Eyes and ears
  • Heart and lungs
  • Reflexes and muscle tone
  • Head, including soft spots
  • Mouth and gums
  • Belly and umbilical cord
  • Genitals
  • Hips and legs

At the two week visit, the baby will have a blood test done to screen for rare but serious disease. Typically your pediatrician waits until the end, so you have a few moments to comfort your baby before leaving if they get upset.

How do I know if my newborn is getting enough to eat?

It’s easy to monitor how much your child is eating if you’re formula feeding, but it’s more difficult if you’re breastfeeding.

Either way, everything that goes in must come out. If your newborn is getting enough to eat, they likely produce about six wet diapers daily (plus several bowel movements).

Because your pediatrician carefully monitors your newborn’s growth, you know if your little one isn’t getting enough to eat.

If you have concerns about feedings, your baby doesn’t seem interested in eating, or if you’re breastfeeding and your infant isn’t latching easily, talk with your pediatrician. They can help you determine what you need to do and what to watch for during mealtimes.