Should you decide for your child to receive services with Mansoor Pediatrics, you may call your insurance carrier to select one of our doctors as your child’s primary care provider. In addition, a Primary Care Selection Form is provided for your convenience and may be downloaded from our web site, completed, and sent in to your insurance carrier to provide written notification of your intention to select and receive medical care with one of our doctors as your child(ren)’s pediatrician/primary care provider.
Please be sure to call our office to verify that one of our doctors are on your insurance plan, if you have any questions, or if your plan is not listed on the Insurance Plan Update that we are providing on this website.
New insurance plans are added intermittently and insurance provider lists/handbooks are occasionally not up to date or have omitted providers from their lists. A call to our office will assist you with this information if needed.
Note: Please remember to always bring your insurance card with you for any appointment.