Immunizations - Mansoor Pediatrics


Essential Child Immunizations

Child getting vaccinatedImmunizations and vaccinations help protect your child against some of the most harmful diseases around. As avid proponents of routine immunizations, our team of pediatricians ensures that your child is up to date on all of his or her essential injections. Their Alexandria-area clinic, Pediatrics of Mansoor Pediatrics, offers flexible scheduling, even for new families. Book your appointment online, or use the practice’s convenient online booking system to schedule your child for an immunization visit.

What is an immunization?

Getting an immunization protects your body against a disease. You become immunized when you get a vaccine or vaccination. A vaccine helps your body become immune to a particular disease, or strain of diseases.

A vaccination occurs when your doctor injects a destroyed or weakened organism into your body. Your immune system immediately starts building up antibodies, forcing your body to become immune to the disease-causing organism.

Being immunized doesn’t mean you won’t get sick, but it does mean that your body has what it needs to fight off the harmful organism.

When do I start immunizing my child?

Your child is given immunizations shortly after birth. Usually, for your child’s first two years of life, they get a series of vaccines and vaccinations. By age six, your child needs fewer immunizations, while your teenager is introduced to an entirely new set of immunization requirements.

Throughout your child’s life, and often throughout adulthood, your child needs boosters for certain vaccines and vaccinations. Your pediatrician documents everything on a schedule, so you know exactly when you should get started and how often you need to visit your doctor.

Are immunizations safe?

Yes. The practitioners at Pediatrics of Mansoor Pediatrics follow immunization guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics. These organizations have spent decades researching and evaluating various types of immunizations to ensure that they’re safe and effective.

Parents often ask if immunization injections can make their child sick. In some cases, yes. But the risk of suffering from a life-threatening disease is higher than the minor risks associated with immunizations, such as feeling sick or allergic reactions.

Why should I get my child immunized?

When you keep your child updated on essential immunizations, the risk of contracting certain diseases decreases drastically. As children start falling behind on vaccines, diseases start showing up again, causing outbreaks. That’s why measles still shows up every once in awhile.

The cost of getting a routine vaccine or vaccination is far less than treating a disease. Plus many schools, sports teams, and extracurricular activities require that your child is up to date on shots before participating.

Immunizations and vaccinations help protect your child against some of the most harmful diseases around, but figuring out which vaccines and immunizations your child needs and when to get them is overwhelming for any parent. As avid proponents of routine immunizations, our team of pediatricians ensures that your child is up to date on all of his or her essential injections. Their Alexandria-area clinic, Pediatrics of Mansoor Pediatrics, offers flexible scheduling, even for new families. Book your appointment online, or use the practice’s convenient online booking system to schedule your child for an immunization visit.